About Us
Funerals are an occasion for happy memories, as well as sadness
“I’ve attended many funerals, both in a personal and a professional capacity. While they will always be an occasion for sadness, they are also an opportunity to share happy memories, bring families and friends together, and to truly celebrate the life of the person who has died.
Sadly, many funerals are soulless occasions. The person conducting the service often doesn’t know the deceased and family members can be too upset to feel able to speak. The result is that a few perfunctory words are said, a couple of hymns are sung, there’s a quick prayer and it’s all over.
It doesn’t have to be like this. I conducted a funeral recently where three generations shared their love and stories of the deceased. Interspersed with his favourite music, it was an occasion for tears and smiles in equal measure.”

Nigel George – Director of Family Funerals
Family Funerals was created by Nigel George. He has a passionate belief that everyone is entitled to a memorable goodbye. He is a lawyer, writer and public speaker. Over the years Nigel has addressed a wide ranging of audiences across the country. He has spoken extensively about mental capacity and end of life care. He is a member of Hospice UK, Dying Matters and a Death Cafe facilitator.
If you would like help in organising a funeral or just don’t know where to start then call Nigel George on 01449 737582/ 07957 186297 or email